I am originally from the North East of England - where Geet means "very" and Lush means "nice" - hence the name GeetLush. I now live and work in South Wales. Making is my happy place, sharing these benefits with others is a natural part of my practice. My feminism drives everything I do and I enjoy nothing more than working with groups of women where I can create a safe space for participants to feel empowered to explore their own creativity and express themselves authentically through art. It is an absolute privilege to be alongside women when conversation is flowing and the sharing of stories begins.
There are six paintings in this series, inspired by online art sessions between myself and women who work in, or access, support services around Pontypridd. During these one-to-one workshops, we created art together where participants shared stories of their favourite places across Pontypridd, as well as their words of wisdom for the world. I painted these six wooden plaques with patterns and colours in response to our time together, including the participants’ words across the centre. The paintings have been exhibited in a location that reflects either the favourite place, or the story and words shared by the participants.
Scan the QR code on the bottom right corner or each painting en situ to hear the accompanying audio resource which gives insight into the process of making the artworks as well as featuring samples of the conversations shared in the creation of them. Alternatively, you can listen here via the audio tracks provided.
For a map of plaque locations and transcripts of the audio tracks, please
visit my website
With thanks to the following support services:
Citizens Advice Merthyr Tydfil
Cwm Taf Mind
Interlink RCT
Women’s Aid RCT
01443 490740
Monday - Friday
9.30am - 4.30pm
Saturday - Sunday
Civic Offices, 133 Berw Road, Pontypridd
CF37 2AB
Pontypridd Town Council | All Rights Reserved