Are You Passionate About What Happens in Your Community?
Why Not Consider Becoming a Town Councillor?
If you are passionate about your local community and care about the things happening in your area — Pontypridd Town Council needs you!
Town Councillors make a huge difference and help shape our community for the better. Pontypridd Town Council can only be as effective, relevant and vibrant as the people elected to run it, so we need Councillors who are capable, energetic and engaged, from all backgrounds and experiences to reflect our community.
Being a Town Councillor is highly rewarding. The position is unpaid, but no other role gives you a chance to make such a huge difference to the quality of life of people in your local area and to influence the way issues are dealt with locally.
Councillors have three main areas of work:
1. Decision-making: Councillors develop strategies and plans for the area. Through attending meetings and committees with other elected councillors, councillors decide which activities to support, where money should be spent, which services should be delivered and which policies should be implemented.
2. Monitoring: Councillors make sure that their decisions lead to efficient and effective services by keeping an eye on how well things are working and by working with others.
3. Getting involved in the community: As local representatives, Councillors have responsibilities towards their community and local organisations. Councillors talk to the community and local organisations about their needs and what the Town Council is doing.
The day-to-day work of a Councillor may include:
• Bringing community concerns and ideas to the attention of Pontypridd Town Council.
• Going to meetings of local organisations.
• Going to meetings of bodies that affect the wider community, such as the police, the Highways Authority, schools and colleges.
The Town council is apolitical, and welcomes all. You can be an independent Councillor or represent a political party.
Do you want to make a difference to your community? Get in touch today to find out how to become a Pontypridd Town Councillor.
01443 490740
Monday - Friday
9.30am - 4.30pm
Saturday - Sunday
Civic Offices, 133 Berw Road, Pontypridd
CF37 2AB
Pontypridd Town Council | All Rights Reserved