I am a multi-media artist, who loves to experiment with colour, different mediums and materials. Like for many, art has been a form of escapism for me to express my feelings and help improve my wellbeing. My art is personal and inspired by my life and what is within, which reflects positivity and happiness. As an artist, and person, your goals and visions change as you grow and learn. At this moment in time my vision is to create friendly art that is accessible to everyone who experiences it. Art can be inspired by anything and can be anything you want it to be.
As I have developed into a Creative Practitioner, I have learnt that there is a special emphasis on the beauty of the process of art making rather than the outcome. This is something that I practice in my personal life and when engaging with art. When working with participants, the art and process becomes person-centred. The space we're creating in becomes a safe space to explore art and to de-stress.
This year Ynsangharad War Memorial Park celebrates 100 years since first opening its gates to the public! These face cut-out stands in the shape of 100, have been made for you to interact with and be part of the celebration. This year marks a century of history. To be inclusive flower face cut-outs have been created so all members of your family can join in the spirit of the park. Use the hashtag #100YWMP (on Facebook) to view and share photos taken at the stand.
I would like to thank Aled Humphreys at Ynsangharad Park for all his support during this project.
Useful links:
admin@lastervectors.co.uk – for laser cutter projects.
01443 490740
Monday - Friday
9.30am - 4.30pm
Saturday - Sunday
Civic Offices, 133 Berw Road, Pontypridd
CF37 2AB
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